Katelyn's Growing... and Growing!

Monday, October 05, 2009
We had another ultrasound today to determine whether Katelyn had turned and how big she is getting. The verdict? She is STILL breech, in the exact same position and location in fact - seems she is perfectly content to stay right where she is! And she has gained almost 2 lbs in 3 weeks, weighing in at 7lbs. 7oz. With all that in mind, we are now considering a C-Section at 39 weeks, which is just 2.5 weeks from now! 39 weeks happens to fall on the weekend of SFA's Homecoming, a particularly busy time for Chi Alpha, so we are going to talk with our doctor about the possibility of moving the delivery up a week, putting her potential birthday around the 16th - WHOA! Please pray with us for wisdom and her healthy, safe, easy arrival into the world and our life.

The cutest thing ever: according the ultrasound, she has hair... and the chubbiest cheeks I've ever seen!!!