Undie Run 2009

Thursday, May 07, 2009

I was reminded again this morning just how much SFA needs the Lord when I stumbled across a Facebook Event for the 2009 Undie Run. Yep, it's exactly what it sounds like... an excuse to run around in underwear posing as a fundraiser for the local Women's Shelter and Homeless Clothes Drive.

"In 1973 a streaking epidemic hit SFA's campus. People were streaking at football games, around campus, and through dorms. However, in the spring of 1974, Ralph Steen, President of SFA at the time announced an entire day when students could streak up and down East College street. This was a historical event for any campus during that time, and this Undie Run also serves as an ode to that day.

We made history again last year hosting the first Lumberjack Undie Run with over 300 students participating, and donated ALOT of clothes to the Nacogdoches Homeless shelter.

Bring your friends and have your friends bring friends!! Invite every Lumberjack!

What: 2nd Annual Lumberjack Undie Run!
When: May 7th, 10pm. 2009!
Where: Meet at Surfin' Steve and follow the Undy Flag!

Bring Running shoes, sweet undies and clothes to donate!"

Check out the event here.


{ Unknown } at: May 11, 2009 at 12:12 AM said...

I honestly don't see a problem, In the 70's they ran NAKED, today it is considered bad to run in your underwear which in many cases covers more than a traditional bathing suit. Maybe we should stop this and have the Lord angry that we do not do more to donate, who cares what has caused us to donate or even why we do the point is we donated clothes to people who really need them.

{ Handmade aJ } at: May 11, 2009 at 7:42 AM said...

First, I'm wondering, do I know you? You're not publicly following my blog and your profile is apparently marked private. Just curious.

I think I would agree that there has been a small measure of improvement since the 70's. At least they weren't running naked through campus this time. But that does not make it ok.

And I definitely agree we should do more to help/support the abused, poor, widowed, oppressed. God cares for these people in a special way, according to Scripture. And in James, the writer goes so far as to say, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." A pretty stout statement!!! So, I would certainly agree that a fundraiser to donate clothes, which admittedly college students have in abundance (almost to a gluttonous point - myself included), is a great idea! Once again, however, we do NOT have to run around in our underwear to make that happen.

To be fair, SFA hosts an annual Homecoming Shirt Burn - students bring shirts from other colleges... half are burned in the Homecoming bonfire, half are donated to shelters. This is a much better idea for a fundraiser... now, if we could just get them to donate ALL the shirts!

All that said, you've inspired me... perhaps next school year, we could host some sort of fundraiser!