Katelyn's Hips

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Katelyn had her 4 month checkup with the pediatrician yesterday morning. All was well except that Jim felt a "click" in her left hip.

We are going to the hospital on Thursday to have an x-ray taken to determine whether she has DDH - developmental hip displasia. It means her hip is either out of socket a bit or part of it misshapen. If they decide she does have DDH it looks like she will be in a harness for 6-8 weeks. But depending on the type of DDH she has, she could also end up needing surgery at some point. We are praying they will find nothing wrong in the x-ray Thursday morning!

In case you're like me and want to understand what DDH really is - here's a quick link to a very informative and pretty easy to understand article about it.

DDH Article

On the fun side of our visit yesterday, we were given permission to start Katelyn on "solid" foods - so we had our first attempt at rice cereal this morning!  Here are a few pics!


{ Derrick } at: February 16, 2010 at 1:29 PM said...

That's my beautiful girl!

{ Gabrielle Beaty } at: February 17, 2010 at 2:21 PM said...

I'm praying for you guys!!! If there is anything I can do, let me know! Love you all!