Baby Katelyn is Almost Here!

Monday, September 14, 2009

We have just gotten home from our latest checkup with my doctor. The baby is healthy - and HUGE! With over 6 weeks until my due date, she is alread 5 lbs. 12 ozs - that puts her roughly two weeks larger than she "should" be. The doctor told us she is still within normal range, but certainly on the large side. :)

Our next milestone is for her to turn - she is currently very comfortable in a breech position and with her being so big, there is a little concern that she will get too big to make the turn herself. They do not allow breech deliveries, so if she does not turn I am looking at a C-Section delivery. Of course, we would rather not go that route because of the lengthy and difficult recovery. Please pray with us that Katelyn will turn sometime within the next 4 weeks. That is our cutoff date for making some tough decisions about delivery.

Isn't she beautiful? :)


{ Crystal Thomas } at: September 17, 2009 at 4:42 PM said...

she is beautiful :)